Monday, March 15, 2010

Late Night

These are Civil War utensils.
It is late night for me. After 11 pm. Could not sleep and so decided to get up and use the computer. Today, Monday, March 15th, we drove about 50 miles to Webster, Fl. to THE flea market. This place is something else. A large field, several buildings and then another field of vendors. Some of the buildings have stuff from other countries. A few buildings and most of the outdoor vendors are good old flea stuff. And that is what I heard one of the vendors say---I got my stuff here at ? when did you bring your stuff in. So----

I found two pieces of silver that were E's. S is seldom collected, C is collectible, H is highly collectible, E is extremely collectible and M is most collectible. We find very few M's. And I found an H and a C. We also found a couple of weird looking forks. Two were sterling. (Did I tell you a few weeks ago we found a sardine fork?) The two sterling were alike. Small fork with 3 tines. Dainty, The two outside tines were curved outward. And there was a bar across the tines. An Olive fork? we do not know. the other looks like a miniature fork from a Carving set. Can't resist the odd looking or pieces that we know not many were made or kept for long.

Ernie also found some Civil War forks and knives. We have a friend that collects these and he is not doing the big flea markets much this year. So Ernie called him and Frank said to buy them.

so we also came home with several Civil War forks and knives. They have wood handles. Similar to the wood "granny forks" that you can buy now. Only these have fancy metal decoration on the handle.

Got home and our friends were gone. And they were late getting home. We were a little worried as He had not felt the greatest. So when they came home Austin came over to tell us about their day. They went to a clinic and found out that he has shingles. One spot on his lower right leg. After he checked out the Civil War forks, another knock on the door and in comes his wife. So we discussed our day and had a good visit. We do have good times.

I guess it is midnight. Tues will be laundry day and polish silver day. Wed. is another flea market day, strawberry sunday day and we may also go find the cookie factory.

Talk to you later. jkc

1 comment:

  1. Can I come on the strawberry and cookie day? Sounds like fun. Looking forward to summer. We signed up for the GLASS you guys will be there right?
