Dan and Donna from Canada and their kettle corn wagon. We enjoy talking with them each week. They were at the Webster, Florida, flea Market. when this picture was taken. Then we see them at Plant City Flea market also. Yes, we do go to several different flea markets. Fun. And I now have my birthday presents. I have many more JJ pins for my collection. a cow and a lamb that have dangley legs. A set of 3 clowns, cats, a moose and a catus plant. Ernie likes finding them almost more than I do. I will pass on the more expensive ones. The last picture is of of their daughter, Crystal. She works selling the kettle corn also. They also go to the
leave their kettle there in a small building. They leave it there all the time. They are not sure they will bring the trailer down next year. We shall see. The third picture is at Busch Gardens at the elephants compound. The elephant behind the door is the matriarch of the 5 elephants. she did not want one of the elephants there, so she trumpeted and moved her out of the area. They waited awhile before giving them treats. Did not want her to think she could make noise and push out one and still get a treat. It is interesting how the animals act. They pat the elephants on their tongue and rub their ears. The feed them about a dozen apples at a time. Just pop them in their mouths. And a whole coconut. You heard a crunch and the elephant spit out a broken coconut. The keeper cut it in smaller pieces .
But we have seen one of the elephants step on the coconut and then eat it all. They were also pouring some Gatorade in their trunk. The third picture is of Clayton and Rita at Parksdale. We had been to Webster flea market and stopped by Parksdale for our strawberry sundaes. A good time, and Rita found a few buys at the flea market also.
Wednesday was Plant City flea market and when we stopped at Parksdale we were joined with Austin and Linda. Ernie and I had strawberry milkshakes that day. Then Ernie and Austin went to a motor home junk yard to look for a part. Linda and I took the long way home, going by their daughters former home and checking out another place where we are trying to decide what they are going to build.
Thursday was Busch Gardens Day. The last week for concerts. Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. were the stars for this week. We were walking to the theatre and saw some of the band walk by and go into the back of the theatre. Said something to a couple sitting on a bench right there. They said, they sit there each week and watch the stars walk by to the theatre. So after 40 minutes or so the four of us walked into the theatre and kept on talking. About the Golden Age pass senior citizens can get. This pass lets you into National parks and attractions free. Ernie was showing Jim and Laine the pass, when the man behind us said, "mine is newer and different than that" And then the couple in front of us wanted to know what a Golden Age pass was and how it is used. So we were all talking about where we went camping. We had a great time. And the show was good also.
Friday we were shopping, at a real store, Old Time Pottery, and Jim saw me and then heard Ernie talking to Alan on the phone. Came over, It is you, we saw you at Busch! They were there with his sister and brother in law. They said that Jim and Laine had been talking a lot about this couple they met at Busch. What a coincidence to meet again the next day. Saturday, oops, Ernie woke up not feeling so great. He either has a good head cold or severe allergies. And a cough that starts with his toes. Sounds awful. He is now in bed and it has been quiet. Hope he can sleep better than he did last night. I am fine. Did make two turns around the park with Beth after supper.
Have a good night. jkc P.S. While at Busch Gardens we did a couple of rides??? The first one was the river rapids. Having watched the two weeks before, we came with our ponchos. It is a 12 passenger round raft with seats. And as you go around the first curve there are water guns on land. Your friends can pay a quarter and squirt you. And until you watch and see where they squirt you may miss. But the last gun, is automatic and it hits the raft very well. And then going on down the rapids water comes into the raft. and you go by two more water spouts. So Altho our bodies were dry, our legs and feet were wet. I had on my canvas Kedsjkc