Moving day for our neighbors, that is. Sunday morning our neighbors informed us that they were going to look for bigger living quarters. That night they thought they had found the right one. Monnday, after looking at the trailer in daylight, they decided no. By 10 am they had two more possibilities. One, they really liked, but it was not ready until spring. Nix on that one.
By Monday noon they had a buy, or rather a trade. So we helped move a few things and Tuesday will be the big moving day. We cannot believe they moved so fast. Those of you who know us, know it takes us t i m e. to find what we want when it comes to spending the big bucks. We will get to see the inside tomorrow. But all indications it is a nice trailer and they made a good deal. This will be so nice for them as their 3 children live in Florida now, instead of Indiana. They will be able to have them at their home for together time. Their Avion trailer was just a shade small for very many people.
No, we are not selling our RV. We like living in it during the winter. With the living room slide we are fine. could use more closet space, but that goes for a lot of regular homes, also.
The weather is still in the 70 and 80's. I do have Christmas decoration up, and I am getting used to not having snow for Christmas. Bah-- hum-bug!!
We did miss out on our Great Niece's wedding Dec. 3rd. We heard it was a fine wedding. The "cousins" were invited, 9 of the 15 were there and a picture was taken. I am enjoying that and will be nice to see pictures of the bride and groom also. My parents have 15 grandchildren, and the grandchildren are the cousins.
Their parents, my brothers and sisters are the adults. Well, we have to separate ourselves somehow. I think all the cousins are now over 45 years of age.
And now the cousins children are getting married and having babies and my---
goodness, I guess the adults are getting older. Considering the fact that I am the youngest of the 6. and our son is the youngest of the cousins.
One of the things we older people talk about is being old. Most of the time most of us do not feel our age. and then I looked at my arm when I was exercising the other day and they were wrinkled like an old womans. So in many peoples eyes I am an old women, just do not feel like it, most days.
I am still doing my arm exercises (that new ball and joint are stubborn in getting full movement, meaning I want to scratch by back with my left hand).
I go outside after dark to exercise. The Rv is not quiet tall enough for full extension of my arm. A neighbor across the way was outside while I was doing my exercises and I wondered what he thought this women was doing standing outside her Rv waving her arms around in all directions. so today I told him what I was doing and why. He didn't miss a beat, Well, didn't you see me waving back to you?
we do have a good time here at Charlies.
we complain about Charlie sometimes and I am sure he may complain about his tenants. But we cannot complain about the cost of living in this RV park.
so we just enjoy ourselves and each other.
We still have not made it to Busch Gardens. We need to go soon, do not want to get into the vacation crowds later.
Ernie spent two hours polishing the 1 and 1/2 wheels today. And walked items down to the new home of our neighbors. Ernie went to bed early and I am writing this and playing my games on the computer.
Have a good day. or night. jkc
Tuesday. the neighbors are all moved. That is the stuff from one trailer has been moved to the other and vice versa. We helped and this afternoon I helped put a few things away. Mainly handing things to Linda to put away. We ate out for lunch and supper. too tired to cook.
the trailer is very nice. 2 bedrooms and bath and a half. nice kitchen and living area. and the patio room is enclosed with windows and screens. Can also be heated or cooled if desired. They made a great deal.
Hope this gets posted. Ernie tried to post it earlier and it didn't go.