Sunday, December 30, 2012


Tony and Jill, Jane, Karen and Alan, Beth and daughter, Brenda, and            Ernie, out on the town, at Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant, in Brandon, Fl.
That many Hoosier Cruisers in one spot and we had to do what we do best.  Go out to eat and enjoy the company.  A good time had by all.
December 30, 2012.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, Dec. 10. 2012

It is raining!!!  and 9 pm       The rain will make my lettuce and onions that I  planted in the big pot, grow.  The lettuce has come up and the onion sets are starting to show green tops.       We shall see how my garden grows.
Met some Hoosier Cruisers at Lazy Days Sunday.  Went to Sweet Tomatoes for our evening meal.  They had Turkey dressing and some creamy turkey soup to go on top.  I just got the soup but Tony put the soup on the dressing and said it was very good.  Ernie and I held the line on getting all the desserts we have gotten before.  so good and do not help keep off weight lost.

Ernie is doing better, I think.  He does not feel that way.  He still coughs a lot and that makes his side hurt and then he doesn't feel good.  And if he talks to much, that will make him cough, and that is not good for Ernie.  but he did talk to his brother the other night for some time and did not have a coughing spell.  So he is improving.

I am hanging in there, do have some sinus drainage that is makeing me cough and so I do not feel that peppy either.  This morning Millie and Sharon were walking so I joined them for a half mile trip around the park.
That was good.   Friends can perk you up and help you get started on whatever you need to do.  I did clean off 4 of the 12 stepping stones on our lot.  The grass grows around and over the edges.  It is not grass like at home but has a root that gets thick and hard to pull out.  I bought a butcher knife at the flea market last year and I use that to cut along the edge of the stepping stones to clean away the grass and roots. I have a better tool in Indiana, but you just cannot take everything with you when you go away for the winter. 

Off to Subway with Linda and Austin today.  My card had two points on it.
And then the cashier told me that Subway did away with the point card, Nation wide.  Well, dog gone!  You have until Dec. 31 to redeem any points you may have on the card.  2 points is not enough for even a cookie.  But if you look at the back of your ticket and take their survey you can earn a free cookie.  And Linda had 4 tickets she gave me two, and I had one, so WOW
I can get 3 cookies if I wanted to do that.  Next time we go there.

Doesn't take much to entertain us, does it.

How is every body out there?  and what are you up to.  is our address.

Take care, the rain has stopped,


Friday, December 7, 2012

Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7, 2012

The Post Office was open but we did not see the mail lady at our box.  No deliveries today or we just did not get any mail?  It is slow getting our mail changed, but it is nice once it gets started to have our magazines and regular mail sent to Florida.

Busy week relaxing.  We did make it to the Plant City Flea Market.  I think I made the fastest trip ever thru that flea market.  I was going ahead of Ernie, calling him on the cell phone, popcorn friends are on row 3, tool man in East section, Mexican couple with vegetable stand are here.  There little daughter can now help?  About 3 years old now. 
I found a JJ pin and Ernie found two more as we were standing and going thru a pile of "jewels" the vendor had just dumped on her table.  I paid $2 for mine and Ernie paid 50 cents for his two.  But we helped the lady by straightening the mess of  "jewels" and separating them into flags here and stick pin backs there, etc.  We did make a stop at Parksdale for a strawberry parfait.  Only they had pineapple parfaits too, and Ernie got one of those.
Instead of stopping at Micky D's for a 99 cent burger we came on home.  There was one tired Ernie----we had a good time seeing our friends.
The popcorn couple are from Canada.  They have a beautiful red trailer that they have all there equipment in to make and sell their popcorn.  Only they did not bring it this year.  He has a new truck and they put the basics in it and came on down to Florida.  Did not want to take the hassle of the border patrol possible deciding they needed to check out the trailer.  They go to another flea market that is a 3 day market.  and this one one is only one.
The tool man and wife are from Indiana.  They have a park model in a park near us, leave there stuff here and travel in the summer in a class B RV.

Report on Ernie---- he is slowly improving.  And I feel he does not think so at times.  It is discouraging not to feel good for so long a time.  Mainly getting tired easily as at times it is hard to breathe after walking or exercising a little.  And then there is that cough that makes his side hurt, the side where they took out that half lung.  I am glad we are here in Florida and the weather has been warm.  He sits outside and does not have to worry about anything.  Well, almost.  Did we pay that bill?  What is for supper?

While doing the spell check I was thinking that an English teacher would have red pencil marks all over my paper.  Sorry, my grammar and correct speech are not what they used to be long ago.   poor excuse!   And with that it is one more game of spider and to bed.   Good night!    jkc

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hot Water

YES!  We have hot water again.  A new water heater for this old house (coach)
Ernie and Austin spent the better part of the day checking wires, pipes and fittings, but they got er done.  
With a few comments from passer by persons and short time out for lunch.  And I got some onion sets, lettuce and spinach planted in my planter. 
Also put in some daffodil bulbs, see if they come up, will we have a frost or freeze as some bulbs need.  Have to try----  decided not to try the tomato plant this year.
Only a few small tomatoes last year and we can buy Ruskin tomatoes just around the corner at a stand.  Ruskin are the ones to buy in this area.  Almost as good as Indiana tomatoes.
Charlie stopped by to say hello.  He needs a new knee. It makes us hurt to see him get around.  But he will not go to the Doctor. 
I am playing a spider solitaire game that has two decks of cards, different suits.
You can play either color on each other, but if you have a different suit on a line you cannot move the cards, only the bottom cards of the same suit.  I am not doing well
on this game.  but like trying.
So, on to Spider.

Have a good day.