Thursday, February 24, 2011

State fair ,Hoosier Cruiser dinner. Venture

And the band "Venture" at Busch Gardens.  The two men with the "red" guitars are the original members.  the Drummer is the son of the original drummer and the third guitarist (man in middle) has been with the band for about 38 years.  Good music.   They played the theme of "Hawaii 5 0

We took Byran for One last strawberry sundae. He said he had not been to Parksdale for a few years. A friend here at Charlies.  He has sold his trailer and will go home to Illinois this week.
His wife died 2 or 3 years ago and it is not the same with out her in Florida.  Makes you wonder where you will be when you are 86 years of age.
Martha, from Mobile, Alabama.  Good friend.  a treat to take someone over to Parksdale for strawberries. 

Florida State Fair.  and the animals in the exhibit building.  A quiet bull.  But I would not want to mess with that guy and those horns, no matter how tame the owner said he was!

Some Hoosier Cruisers at Sun and Fun RV Park, Sarasota, Fl.  A good time visiting. We meet once a year.  This idea was started by Charles and Suz Snow.  Past members of Hoosier Cruisers.  We would meet at the Sugar & Spice Restaurant in Sarasota.  A lot like Essen House, as it is run by an Amish family.  But Rick was able to get us in to Sun and Fun, with a buffet and a time of 11 am to 3 pm.  Plenty of time to visit and enjoy catching up with each other.

A panoramic view of the Hoosiers.

I have been neglecting my computer duties while I was reading a book.  Beth brought over some books she had gotten at a garage sale and wondered if I wanted to read any of them.  so I just read the book "Swiss Family Robinson"   No, I have never read the book or seen the movie or TV series.  I found it quite interesting.  At first wondering why the family was so knowledgeable about plants, trees and animals.  Then as  you read, the ship had been outfitted to take people to start a new colony and had much equipment, books and other supplies to start in a new place.  Therefore the passengers would have been selected because of their education and abilities to be in a new environment.  As Ernie said when I start a book, I can not put it down until I am done with it.   So everything either doesn't get done or very quickly.  The book is done so I am now finishing the blog I started a few days ago.   Have a good day.  jkc

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