Saturday, February 26, 2011

Herman Hermits

Peter Noone is always a crowd pleaser.  He knows we are all "oldies"  as he is 63.  But still very energetic.  There are severall fan clubs in attendance.  We always wonder as we talk with someone who comes just for his shows.  And follow him when he is in the States.  they hand out stringers to wave, small megaphones and also have big balloons to toss around the crowd.  22 No. 1 hits.
Just do not ask me to name them.

We walk around Busch Gardens a lot and now and then,  "Oh, look at the flowers.  I do not remember seeing these."  I am sure they have always been there, I just had not really looked at them.  These orchids are so pretty and of a variety of colors.
Linda and Larry just returned from a cruise to the Panama Canal.  They stopped at their niece's home and took her and this cute little one to Parksdale for a strawberry sundae.  so we drove over to visit a minute.  NO, we did not get any strawberries to eat that day.
but on Wednesday, I bought a half flat at the flea market for $5.00   soooo good.
Today is Saturday.  We spent half a day going to garage sales.   Maybe have of that trying to find them.  These cities that name a street and then at some intersection, name the other end of the street a different name.  GPS can get confused sometimes.  Take you the long way around.   Came home and took a nap.  Ernie worked on some pictures and then went over to talk with Austin.  so I am on the computer. 
Have a good day.   jkc
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

State fair ,Hoosier Cruiser dinner. Venture

And the band "Venture" at Busch Gardens.  The two men with the "red" guitars are the original members.  the Drummer is the son of the original drummer and the third guitarist (man in middle) has been with the band for about 38 years.  Good music.   They played the theme of "Hawaii 5 0

We took Byran for One last strawberry sundae. He said he had not been to Parksdale for a few years. A friend here at Charlies.  He has sold his trailer and will go home to Illinois this week.
His wife died 2 or 3 years ago and it is not the same with out her in Florida.  Makes you wonder where you will be when you are 86 years of age.
Martha, from Mobile, Alabama.  Good friend.  a treat to take someone over to Parksdale for strawberries. 

Florida State Fair.  and the animals in the exhibit building.  A quiet bull.  But I would not want to mess with that guy and those horns, no matter how tame the owner said he was!

Some Hoosier Cruisers at Sun and Fun RV Park, Sarasota, Fl.  A good time visiting. We meet once a year.  This idea was started by Charles and Suz Snow.  Past members of Hoosier Cruisers.  We would meet at the Sugar & Spice Restaurant in Sarasota.  A lot like Essen House, as it is run by an Amish family.  But Rick was able to get us in to Sun and Fun, with a buffet and a time of 11 am to 3 pm.  Plenty of time to visit and enjoy catching up with each other.

A panoramic view of the Hoosiers.

I have been neglecting my computer duties while I was reading a book.  Beth brought over some books she had gotten at a garage sale and wondered if I wanted to read any of them.  so I just read the book "Swiss Family Robinson"   No, I have never read the book or seen the movie or TV series.  I found it quite interesting.  At first wondering why the family was so knowledgeable about plants, trees and animals.  Then as  you read, the ship had been outfitted to take people to start a new colony and had much equipment, books and other supplies to start in a new place.  Therefore the passengers would have been selected because of their education and abilities to be in a new environment.  As Ernie said when I start a book, I can not put it down until I am done with it.   So everything either doesn't get done or very quickly.  The book is done so I am now finishing the blog I started a few days ago.   Have a good day.  jkc

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011

The 'copters have been buzzing around above us for about 15 minutes.  We could not see that they had on search lights, just a big red light on the bottom?  They had to be looking for something or out to bug the people on earth?????
We went to the AT&T store on Monday afternoon.  To see Sabrina and ask questions about our phone.  She is one of the nicest sales persons you would want to have answer your questions.  She answered and explained how to use the system Ernie had installed on his phone.  And explained the charges for that system.  Great!!!
  Tuesday we took the Tampa Bay Commercial Harbor Boat tour with Bruce and Beth.
A beautiful day, no wind, sunny, not hot, just a nice two hour ride.  Ernie has pictures of that and more pictures too!
  Wednesday we went to the Florida State Fair.  Senior citizens day.  Crowded---
similar to ours, seemed like more food vendors,  more spread out, as they did not have a race track to go around.  Enjoyed the day, but tired.  Even I went to bed before 9:30!
   Today we went to Sarasota, with Beth driving.  Bruce, Ernie and I just enjoyed the ride.  It was the Hoosier Cruiser Luncheon for any Hoosier Cruisers, past and present, that just happen to be in Florida and near enough to come over to the Sun and Fun RV resort just East of Sarasota.  Rick and Sandy stay there and had arranged to have a room for us from 11 to 3.  And a buffet meal.  A good meal.   time to visit with several Indiana friends we had not seen for awhile.  I know Ernie has pictures for this also, so I will  make  more comments when he gets the pictures on the blog.
   Tomorrow it is  over to Busch Gardens,  maybe Saturday we will stay home.  We shall see.   Take care and good night.   jkc

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Happy Valentines Day from the flowers at Busch Gardens!  Aren't they pretty?

I like tall men!  These guys are a part of the Kareebu Jungala section of the Gardens.  There are these tall men and other larger than life creatures. 

 Do you remember Paul Revere and The Raiders.  Paul does not do that much singing any more.  But was funny with his comments and jokes.  The lead singer was good and the band helped make the show a good one.Since our Grandson David played the drums during school I like to watch the different drummers.  I always wonder why the drum heads are not broken as hard as some of them play them. and this drummer had facial expressions like he was beating the devil out of his drum set.Posted by Picasa
Would you like to walk with the flamingos?  I did just that.  We could not believe that these "keepers" were walking these birds!  so I ask the person if this happened often.  Usually first thing in the morning we open the gate and the first few that come out get to walk the circle of the park.  And they acted as tho they knew where there were going.  No nonsense, it is walking time!!!

What a week no, two weeks we have had.  First the week of the Brooksville Rally and then -----  back to Charlies on Sunday.  Monday we took off for the Webster Flea Market.  It has rained and was misty.  But we went to meet our 4 friends from Alabama.  I found 1 good teaspoon.  Martha and Anita were looking at everything.
The sun did come out, but late and almost the whole field was empty of vendors.  Usually the field is full and busy.  We ate at the Butterbean diner.  A good simple buffet.  The fried chicken was very good and we polished off the meal with a strawberry sundae.  What else?     Tues.  we stayed home, but did go out for supper with Merrill and Martha at Bob Evans.  Oh, We also  had lunch with Austin and Linda and stopped by the Seffner YMCA to check out their facilities as Linda needs to excercise that new knee she got the last of January.
Wednesday we took Merrill and Martha to the Plant City Flea market and then to Parksdale for our treat of strawberry shortcake or sundae.  When we took them back to Lazy Days we walked in to get a cup of coffee and met Steve and Nancy from Muncie.  They were surprised to see us.  They were there for repairs on their RV.  We took them to see another campground and stopped by Charlies to see our site.  Back to Lazy Days and a few last minutes with Merrill and Martha.  Have enjoyed seeing these friends from Alabama and will miss them until the next time, down the road, when we meet again. We enjoyed their friends Anita and Cubby.
Thursday was a full day at home.  I did laundry and we both did those things that need to be done.  Friday we headed for Busch Gardens and Saturday Ernie hopes to get new batteries for the RV.  That will be 6 that he has purchased this year.  In January it was 4 for the "house".  Sunday will be a day of rest and then the whole busy schedule starts again on Monday with a trip to the Florida State Fair.    So we shall see how often I keep you posted on our activities.   Have a good night.   jkc

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Brookville Rally, South Eastern Area

Brookville Rally Parade, 2001.  this is "Flakey" the Clown, sponsored by BLUE OX PRODUCTS.  We first saw him at the  Great Lakes Area Rallies.  He is a fun guy.  You point your finger at the rabbit and say bang and the rabbit falls over.  Flakey says "I guess I will have to make rabbit stew and the rabbit hops upright.  The fur in Flakey's arm is what is left over from supper, so he says. He also hands out small crosses made of pearl like beads.  He has a story to tell about them,  What the cross has meant to different ones he has given them to on his travels.                                                The Frustrated Maestros, Band and Chorus.
This is a group of persons interested in singing and playing whatever instrument they played in earlier years.  They get together at these rallies, practice 3 days and then perform.  They do quite well.  Every morning during coffee and donut time and at other functions during the rally.
The City of Brookville had a BASH for us.(they continued their Saturday Farmers market thru the day and a bus took us downtown to enjoy the market.   It was fun and Ernie went fishing.  Forgot the pole.  We all said the mermaid should have had an empty bait bucket for donations to some worthy cause, as it was chilly and when not taking pictures she had a heavy jacket over her shoulders. 

Remember you can double click on the pictures to make them bigger, then hit the back arrow button to go back to small size.

the SEA Rally is held at the Hernando County Airport.  It used to be used during the war and for about 2 weeks they close off these two runways for the rally.  This is just part of the motor homes parked on the West runway.  Way off, about a mile and a half there is a hanger that was rented for our entertainment facility.  They used to rent a tent for $100,000.00.  This hanger was only $30,000.  We enjoyed seeing persons we only see here or at other big rallies.  Catch up on what is going on.  And everyone is having a good time.  This year we are all glad we are here instead of our permanent homes.  Nothing better than traveling in an RV.  Have a good night.  jkc
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

More Brooksville

Just a quick note.  We now count 7 coaches from Indiana here.  OR at leasts were once Hoosier Cruisers.  And Yesterday our friends from Alabama arrived.  Hurrah!  I made a bracelot and We have been to seminars.  good time.   Entertainment was good,

Kieth Longbotham.  good music and some decent jokes.   JKc

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SEA at Brooksville, Florida

S.E.A. is South Eastern Area of Family Motor Coach. They have a rally in February and that is where we are located now. Always a good time, sometimes a cold time. We have already seen 2 couples that we have not seen for over a year. We are parked in the HNE Handicap non electric. Dry Camping. We had gotten parked and not set up yet, I walked out to the road in front of us and coming down the road on their bikes were two former Hoosiers, now from Augusta, GA. Got a hug from Lowell and Joan. The only reason that Augusta did not have more snow and ice was because of Global Warming. At least that is what those people are saying.
The second couple are Hoosiers and have a winter home here. We had not seen them this past year, well, maybe once. So we enjoy seeing Laurel and George when we can. Looking forward to seeing other friends. Today is a pre-day, with a few things scheduled. Wed. It officially starts with Coffee and donuts and the Frustrated Maestros band will play and the chorus will sing. And they do practice!!!! Time for breakfast, my tea is getting cold. More later. jkc