so of course, we did that.
We could touch the star fish, crustaceans, urchins, andmollusks at the S.C.U.M. tank, No Bone Zone. Two fingers only, for touching.
Nice big star fish.
Here is a good reason for stopping at Parksdale once a week. I mean, really, if it is such a good healthy thing to do, eating strawberries once a month, isn't every week even better? Especially when they top some ice cream? Besides, I have to stock up for when we are not in Florida near all those strawberries!
We are trying to get things cleaned up, groceries in, run the softener and fresh water on board. Monday, we leave for Brooksville for the SEA (South Eastern Area) rally of FMCA. Should be a good time. And it will probably be cold at least part of the time. That is a given for Brooksville. But we do get some sun shine also. a change of pace. Altho that means we are missing the Plant City Flea Market 2 weeks in a row. What treasures will we miss?
Between the dew in the morning and the rain we have had (4 inches of rain on Tuesday) there is a lot of stuff on the ground. (dried leaves or grass, what ever it is.) Ernie said something else, but I won't repeat that. Like coffee grounds, and it sticks to your shoes. Ernie is using the vacuum to try and get some of it. He is going over to see if Austin is awake from his nap in the sunshine. Only 65 today, but the sun is out and my sheets are dry and put away. I am using the washing machine in our coach now, and it is nice to do a load and then hang it out to dry. Saves 75 cents on the washer or dryer. I still take my towels over to the laundry mat here, to dry. And I better go get them.
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