Thursday, Feb. 4th. Have you ever been to see KAZOOBIE KAZOO with Rick Hubbard?
We weren't sure about this entertainment until he got to the kazoos. And then I could not stop laughing. KAZOOBIE means "exceptional fun, involving everyone." Part of his patter was that after buying over a million kazoos this place went out of business and so he mortgaged his fathers house and bought the factory. Rick now lives full time in a motor home. These kazoos are full USA made. High quality, can even be put in your dish washer. So he told us how to use them, humming into them, etc. And then we had a few practice sessions. Now imagine a bunch of, well, old RV people, men and women, (some may be under 60) sitting and playing a kazoo.
When he would start a tune, I would start my kazoo, as did everyone else. I think I can carry a tune with a group fairly well. (Not alone, for pete's sake) then Ernie would start in----and I'm sorry, but he cannot carry a tune. and I started to giggle, then laugh, could not stop laughing. Every time I started to "play" the kazoo, I would look out at all the others and think, we are nuts, and then start laughing again. but we had fun, we all came away with smiles and laughter.
We are even given guide lines on how to sound like cars starting, police or fire men, and even a dinosaur, to scare your grand kids. Or maybe wake them up. And we got to keep those American made kazoos!!!!
Rick and Sandy called, they drove up from Lazy Days, had a good visit with them.
Tues. we drove thru Brooksville. and later went out to eat with Mary Ann and Leroy. Had to turn around and get a fellow Hoosier Cruiser to the over nite parking area, too late to get into the rally that day. Finally got on our way to eat. Today there will be a parade. Golf carts and walking units. Oops, went to a luncheon and style show. Not red hat, just a lunch. Small but tasty. Not sure about tonight's entertainment. a comedian. talk to you later. jkc
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