Friday, September 25, 2009


It is a week since our rally. thought I better finish telling about it. Saturday, we went to

Carolee's Herb Farm. Site seer, you should have been there. Acres of gardens and herbs. Gardens for the butterflies and humming birds. Do not put a garden or food out for other birds near a butter fly garden. The birds will eat the butter flies. A children's garden and a faerie garden. And all kinds of plants. A kitchen garden also. She had a variety of spinach that can grow on a vine. Doesn't wilt during the summer. Looked good. She has a book and several small booklets. Tea pots and fairy houses. A nice morning trip.

That afternoon, we went to a quilt shop and then back over to the Minnetrista grounds. They were having a green space/idea fair. Interesting. Back to the campground for some visiting and then a big party. We had seen a cd the night before of all our members. Not your studio pictures, but at least we can look up a picture to see who we are talking about.

Tonight was a free catered meal and than a Magician. He was good. And the audience was super. He was having a good time, because we were also. I think it is obvious when a performer is doing well and has the audience right with them. Makes it more entertaining.

Sunday, after coffee and donuts we had a devotional period. Our leader had us singing several of the old time hymns and then had a short message.

We got home, got the essentials out of the RV and called our daughter. It was her birthday and we planned to take her out to eat. No, she wasn't up to that, but we could order a pizza and come over. So we did, along with a German Chocolate Cake, courtesy of Pepper Ridge Farms.

I added some star shaped candles and we had a party.

Monday, we crashed. Did very little. Tuesday, we got a call from our son, On Wednesday he

was scheduled for a heart catherization in Anderson. so we spent most of Wednesday at the hospital. His heart was clear and in good condition. So now it is to a G.P. to find out what is causing the chest pains. But a big relief that it is not his heart.

Thursday, was the start of a neighborhood garage sale. I had very little, I took it over to our neighbor and helped her all day. In a drizzle. And back and forth to the RV to help Ernie with changing the oi in the transmission. Today, my nose is very stuffed! Is it my allergies or do I have a cold. We shall see. So, now you are caught up on J. and E. See you later.

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