Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thurs. 1/08/09 Orange Park, FL

A different sort of day. Went back to the antique shop and could not find the other Walt Disney spoon. So I just have a Mary Poppins spoon. Came back to park and talked with our new friends some more and then took off. About a 60 mile drive.
It is good to see my sister-in-law again. And Josie and Sir William. a cocker spaniel and an English spaniel. The one dog is very timid and takes a while to make up to you. He was starting to look at me more before the day was over. And actually let me touch him.
Tomorrow--we shall see what we do. and I may not write. take care jkc

1 comment:

  1. I'm not going to tell Roger about your posts lol He wants to start travelling in the worst way. Today we are putting on a baby shower for our dil and with the baby coming in March sometime we'll probably not be doing any extensive travels. Are you guys going to the Perry GA Rally?
