Busch Gardens Marilyn McCoo and Bill Davis Show
Feb. 21, 2013 Good show as always
It was a rough day on the 20th of February. We went to the Plant City Flea Market, Toufayon Cookie Factory, McDonald's for $1.00 burger and then to the best place of all. PARKSDALE for strawberry shortcake or sundae.
Actually at McDonald's we were joined by Austin and Linda. The lovely people in the below pictures are: Ernie, Beth, Jane, Rita and Clayton. We are sitting in the Strawberry throne. None of us put on the crown or robe. Oops, Beth does have a crown on in the second picture. The cookie factory raised their price on the chocolate crisp brownies. Bag not as full and 50 cents more. Well, the first bag we got were trial cookies. They are popular and so they are selling more. Expensive in the stores. $3 at the cookie factory $4. at the store for 4 full squares. We will take the broken ones in the bag.
A good group. Rita and Clayton are staying in the "guest trailer/house"
Beth, Jane and Rita. Click on the pictures for better views.
Sunday, Rita fixed a new recipe for meat loaf with cheese in the middle. The recipe came from my cook book that came with the new micro wave.So the 5 of us were her tasting crew, she had some sweet potato fries, slaw and peanut butter pie. Good meal. A very light evening supper tonight. We are having a quiet day. Church was different also. It was a singing day.
No sermon. The pastor said, We Methodist's have our methods, some are just different, but it is a great praise to our Lord to have a Hymn day.
Have a good day. jkc