Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pictures taken in February 2013

Busch Gardens   Marilyn McCoo and Bill Davis Show
Feb. 21, 2013    Good show as always
It was a rough day on the 20th of February.  We went to the Plant City Flea Market, Toufayon Cookie Factory, McDonald's for $1.00 burger and then to the best place of all.  PARKSDALE  for strawberry shortcake or sundae.
Actually at McDonald's we were joined by Austin and Linda.  The lovely people in the below pictures are:  Ernie, Beth, Jane, Rita and Clayton.  We are sitting in the Strawberry throne. None of us put on the crown or robe. Oops, Beth does have a crown on in the second picture.  The cookie factory raised their price on the chocolate crisp brownies.  Bag not as full and 50 cents more.  Well, the first bag we got were trial cookies.  They are popular and so they are selling more.  Expensive in the stores.  $3 at the cookie factory    $4. at the store for 4 full squares.  We will take the broken ones in the bag.  
A good group.  Rita and Clayton are staying in the "guest trailer/house"
Of course the best picture is of the 3 girls.
Beth, Jane and Rita.  Click on the pictures for better views.
Sunday, Rita fixed a new recipe for meat loaf with cheese in the middle.  The recipe came from my cook book that came with the new micro wave.
So the 5 of us were her tasting crew, she had some sweet potato fries, slaw and peanut butter pie.  Good meal.  A very light evening supper tonight.  We are having a quiet day.  Church was different also.  It was a singing day.
No sermon.  The pastor said, We Methodist's have our methods, some are just different, but it is a great praise to our Lord to have a Hymn day.
Have a good day.  jkc

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Another Day

Wednesday. Feb. 19th, 2013

The day started out great.  Rita, Clayton, Beth, Ernie and I headed for Plant City Flea Market.  We all bought something.  No, I do not think Clayton did.   We did find an old glass measuring cup,  pretty little teapot, 4 drinking glasses, smaller than what was at the "guest house" and a small snow man pin.  And a casserole dish for the "guest house"   The guest house is a trailer here in the park that Beth rented for 3 months.  Her friends from Iowa were here for two weeks, her Dad and sister were here for 2 weeks and now Clayton and Rita are here for 6 weeks.  They will go on a cruise for one week and at that time two of Beth's grown children will be here.  We have had a good time having these people here.  We also went to the Toufayon Cookie factory and bought more of those crisp Brownies, then McDonalds for a burger, and next, Parksdale for our strawberry fix for the week.  Second one for us.  We really watch our diets in Florida.

But then this after noon, Clayton, Mike and Ernie took out the micro wave that is/was in the RV.  Sun.. evening it would not work.  You could program it, but it would not run.  So it is out on the street, almost.  Monday we went shopping, Tuesday we ordered a new GE microwave, convection oven from Home Depot.  (it is just like the new one we have at home)  When we told the salesman that it was 16 years old, he said that is about 4 lives of a regular microwave.  So I guess we got all the use out of it we could.   Thursday they will deliver the new one sometime between 8:30 and 12:30.
Any bets on what the real time will be?  

Jack, our neighbor in the 5th wheel RV talked with Charlie about the empty storage shed behind his rig and lo and behold Charlie said we could use it. So Jack has a key and so do we.  That means we can leave the old lawn chairs here, my big garden pots and ?????  There will be room for the things Beth bought for the guest house to be stored there.  She would like to have the same trailer next year.  But Charlie would not guarantee that that particular trailer would be available.  He might sell it or rent it to a year around person.  He owns six trailers here in his park.  This one is nice, it has a bedroom and full bath at each end of the trailer, with the living space and kitchen between.  It also has a washer and dryer.  Time will tell.

My tea is ready,  Have a good day    jc

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

These first two pictures are of the cheeta and dog that were put two together when babies.  Cheeta was abandoned by its mother and it needed a companion.  Busch Gardens started hunting for a blond lab.  Found this dog at an animal shelter and it seemed to be just what they needed.  No other cheetas that could take the cub at that time.  They are now about 2 years old.  The dog is a mixed breed, not all lab., but is the dominate one.  They are very much like brother and sister.  You can see the dog among the trees in the second picture. 
The band Sha Na No was playing at the Stanleville Theatre.  The leader is dressed in a "Yello Polka Dotted Bikini"  He lost his sarong as he exited the stage.  I did not remember the band, but did remember the songs they played.  They sang the "hokey pokey" and of course got the audience to do the moves.  Got a man up on the stage to show us how and he had good rhythm.  Kept up with the band.  Then they sang the "shimmy"  or what ever the name of the song.  This lady (with white hair)  not me, could really shake and shimmy.  They had her on stage too, and had her take a bow when she went back to her seat.  fun.   The other thing I remember about that concert.  After the band left the stage and we were filing out, over the loud speaker came a recording of Al Jolson singing "Toot-toot-tootsie-good-by"  My Dad loved Al Jolson, saw him in person in Chicago.   so I grew up listening to Al Jolson on the old Victrola.  
These three pictures are of the National Great Lakers RV Club  gathering for their "winter meeting"  We go to Parksdale Farms for strawberry shortcake or sundaes and then to a near by park to sit, talk and enjoy visiting with each other.  28 of us there this year.  Good time.
Not the best pictures to know who was there.  Ernie said it seemed as they turned around each time he took a picture.  But we still know who was there.
Have a good day.  jkc

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Chubby Checkers

This RV is a GMC motor home.  It was cut in two in the middle and 4 feet added to the motor home.    ThI did it again.  This winter I am fighting with a naughty gremlin in this computer.  some of the wierdest things happen and I do not know what key I hit to make strange things happen.   The 4 feet added if in the middle.  And Ernie said 1 foot behind the rear wheels and 3 feet in front of the rear wheels.  Did I get that right?   any way it is one cool GMC.       jkc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A busy week

We are back at Charlies.   Parked until we head North, I hope.  All those years we stopped for 7 to 10 days and then took off for another 100 miles or so to visit sights and friends. Seeing the USA.  Now we enjoy staying in one spot.

We got home Sunday, Monday was wash day and fix, clean and nap.
Tuesday we traveled by car, to Sarasota for a Hoosier Cruiser luncheon.
Only 28 there this year.  Two new prospective members.  A good time visiting and checking on what was going on this winter.

Wednesday is Plant City Flea Market day  It was supposed to rain after noon.  So we went early.  And some of the vender's did not come, due to the possibility of rain.  so we zipped thru, did not buy anything.  I did too    a BIG strawberry onion.  So sweet    So good.  And tomatoes.  it wasn't 10 am yet.  so instead of Mickey dees  we went to Publix grocery, then for our strawberry sundae and then home. 
Depending on the weather which day, Friday or Saturday, we will make a trip to the Florida State Fair and Busch Gardens    We can be inside more at Busch.

No rain yet, but very windy.  I did go cut some more of the vine off of the fence in front of us, and across the road.  It chokes the hibiscus and other flowery bushes.  Charlie gave me permission.  so I have trimmed twice now.  another week or so I may trim some more.

Last Saturday we went to a different flea market in Brooksville.  It had been a thriving market at one time.  It was closed down for awhile and then re-opened this past October.  And of course we found some more silver plate and JJ pins.  The rally was not as great as past years.  For one thing there were only 3 Hoosier  Cruisers there.  No big happy hour.  The parade was small and it was, well  ??  We had a good time, just different.

Next week will be busy also.  Tuesday we will go to Parksdale and strawberries with the National Great Lakers Club.  Not many National motor homes left in the club, but we are keeping the club intact as we all enjoy each other.

Our thermometer reads 78.7   The air is on.  It can get quiet warm in our RV.     Have a good day.   jkc

Monday, February 4, 2013

Brooksville, 2013

The SEA rally of FMCA

This is the South Eastern Area rally, 2013 of the Family Motor Coach Association.  It is held in February at the Brooksville airport.  Most of the motor homes are parked on the run ways.  We are parked on the grass in front of the vendor tents.  In the Handi cap area.  There are also places for the volunteers, the Frustrated Maestros group and the Road Trek RV group.   This part of the Brooksville Airport is rarely used and so the SEA is able to use it for a 10 or two week period.  They do own a building here, that is used for classes during the rally, storage the rest of the time.  There are different ideas as to how much the area really owns, but it is a nice venue.   We have noticed that the vendor tent is smaller this year.  Are we enjoying our rallies, but not buying the "extra" toys and items that are often at rallies and RV shows?

We came in Sunday, yesterday, the 3rd.  and have a good parking spot.  Today we made a trip to Webster to go to the big flea market held each Monday.  And as usual we spent too much.  Send some cash---- I think we spent more on JJ pins than we did on silver.  We did get a few good pieces of silver.   Home early,  time for a nap before supper.

It is cool, about 60 miles north of where we stay and it makes a difference.
There was frost on the windshield this am.  Wonder if we had frost at Charlies.  My aloe plant will not like that.  Should not hurt the lettuce and onions I planted.  Parsley or chives either.  
We did invest in two new lawn chairs.  Two that we had put new webbing on finally broke.  The metal parts, not the webbing.  So, instead of borrowing our neighbors for this week we got some nice strong chairs,  not too heavy. to keep with the RV.

And   YES  We have a NEW windshield on the passenger side.  No more crack.  The windshields were taken out, the front window area aligned and the new one and driver side windshield put back in.  Yeah.  They even seemed more clear and especially clean.  Clean is something you have to do to most windows. 

Time to close.  We are dry camping, the generator has been running and it is time to close up.  Have a good day.   jkc

Busch Gardens January 2013

Beth, Betty and Greg at Parksdale Farms with our strawberry shortcake or sundae.  While sitting there a man came up and commented on Ernie's Hoosier Cruiser jacket.,  Where in Indiana do you live?  He was from Rochester. a long time friend of Pat and George. Pat was my room mate in nursing school.  He also knew another Hoosier Cruiser that we know.  Small world.  A good day, and Betty loaned Beth her sewing machine, as Beth had had a problem with hers.  She was sewing some chair covers for the church.   And now they are done and the machine returned to Betty.    
The band is playing Tommy Dorsey style music.  It is interesting to see that a few of the band members are fairly young.  Nice to see that some like the good old band music. 
each week and see a different band or singer.  Next week will be Chubby Checkers.