when we stopped to get our parking ticket, free, since we are pass port members. for a year. We noticed that the car ahead of us was from Indiana. We parked in the same area and it was Joe and Rachel from Hoosier Cruisers. Muncie, IN. The lady is red is Joe's sister and her husband. Off to the sky ride and over to Stanleville Theatre.
Where Tommy Dorsey Band conducted by Buddy Morrow played at 11:30. the person in the white jacket is Buddy and we were not sure he was going to get out front and to his stool. Using a cane and somewhat frail. He did not play his trombone. But the band was excellent and the singer was Nick ???? and he was also good. Maybe 5 of them might be under 50 years of age. the rest in their 60's or older. Maybe. the only one that might have dyed hair or a toupee was the singer. He hair, thick and so very black. And he looked young compared to the rest of the band. The piano and bass player also seemed young. I know, everybody is getting to be younger than me.
The sky ride gondolas. I enjoy this, but hold on tight to the rail. it is neat to see the grounds from this view.
How about the horns on these animals.
If you look closely you can see an elephant in the background. Right in front of that roof. Their enclosure is larger than I thought. They can walk around the stone wall and get onto the sand and water. There is a wall in the water so they cannot go clear across. Now, the tigers are the ones with limited ground space.
Did we tell you that Anheuser Busch sold out the park to an amusement company? and so the Clydesdale Horses are gone. Home to St. Louis, said the keeper. And that barn has now been changed into a
We stopped a the grocery on the way home. Need to check supplies before going to the rally next week. Ernie just added salt to our water softener. The water here at this park is good. We use the water softener to protect our tanks as sometimes the water is not soft. They have been working on the Rec building. May not have running water, but we can go play BINGO tonight. Whoopee!!! Talk to you later. jkc