There is a frog, a tiger, a sundial, and others. We see something different each time we go there.
Ernie got a lot of pictures of the animals and flowers. It is a good thing we can put them on a disk now. I would not like to put all of them in the old type picture albums. With digital camera so many more pictures can be taken.
While at Busch Gardens today our first stop was at the Stanleyville Theatre. To see the Osmond Brothers. 3 of them. Donnie and Marie are in Vegas. We also took another ride in the jeep at Rhino Valley. Different driver and guide and so a different patter about the animals and where the jeep was going. We did see a white rhino (he looked gray to me) and not too far from us.
Watched the "Lets Dance" show. Talked with a couple from Sun City. He was from Columbia and she was from Cuba. They apparently have been in the states for some time. Have traveled quite a bit. They also believe that the USA is a great place. So much freedom and friendly. Best place to live in the world. WE agreed and also told him we feel fortunate to be able to do what we are doing. Traveling.
Stopped to watch a squirrel, not an exotic animal, but he was finding peanuts on the ground.
The children are fun to watch also. The rhino ride we could hear one behind us gasp when the jeep went off the bridge and into the water. It is planned and has an underwater rail that the jeep follows. I noticed that once we were on the bridge the driver moved something under the seat. Possible to attach to the rail and what ever. The jeep "floats: down stream, around some boulders and under a waterfall. Depending on how the jeep turns someone may get a little damp from the water fall. While watching one of the smaller roller coasters I noticed a small boy with dad on the front seat, turn rather pale. He was all right, but you could tell he was a little scared.
I could go on and on. But ----- talk to you later. jkc